J. K. Ihalainen (word)
Philip Luddite (art)
This booklet is printed on
Heidelberg GTO on the black paper & only
150 signed copies is on the market.
Beware the fakes!
16 pages w/ the full colour dust jacket
ISBN 978-952-7256-27-5
Palladium Kirjat 2020
20 €

“Let’s say that there wasn’t human beings
before these two guys.
The other one doesn’t want to be
found, the other has got lost.
What can happen with this combination?”
- Sebastian Boulter -
“I met them over a decade ago during some
creative adventures in the beautiful lakes
and swamps of Finland. Both of these creative old souls
are possessed with a self assurance and positive, wild Energy,
whose bond is only further cemented from their mutual love and
knowledge of the BEAT Generation; both being
the corporeal evolutionary thread of the next generation
of creators who are inspired to celebrate and carry on
that glorious burning torch. As much as the dreaded perhaps
over-used word Bohemian might come to mind....
these truly remarkable characters perhaps we might
describe as BROHEMIANS.... Have a laugh and check out
the goods, the proof is still in the pudding.”
- Steve Vanoni -